Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Origins of the Cold War Outline

Thesis: The United State's policies were responsible for the outbreak of the cold war because of the Potsdam Conference, the different aims between the United States and the Soviet Union, Truman's Doctrine and the Policy of Containment, the Marshall Plan and the formation of the NATO alliance; some people believe that Berlin Blockade was the leading cause of the Cold War.

Main Point 1: Potsdam Conference
- Truman was the new President of the United States since Roosevelt died, and Truman was more of an anti-communist than Roosevelt meaning there was even more tension between Stalin and Truman. Truman was suspicious of Stalin and thought that Stalin's presence in Eastern Europe was his way of preparing to take over the rest of Europe
- The Potsdam conference was the day after the first atomic bomb was tested as a success, which meant that the United States no longer needed the Soviet Union's help in the war against Japan
- The Soviet Union's army was occupying Eastern Europe and would not leave even though Churchill and Truman did not want them in Eastern Europe in fear of communist take over, but Stalin persisted it was to prevent there from being another attack against the Soviet Union

Main Point 2: The different aims between the United States and the Soviet Union
- Germany:
           - The Soviet Union wanted to crush Germany so that they would stay weak and never be a threat to the Soviet Union again. In order to do this the Stalin wanted to keep Germany into four sections
          - The United States wanted to help rebuild Germany so that they were benefiting to Europe and make Germany more successful
- Truman wanted to spread democracy and create more free trade between Europe and the United States, and Stalin wanted to close the trading and spread communism
- Truman also wanted there to be more free trade with all of Europe in order to boost the United States' economy, while Stalin wanted to keep control of Eastern Europe to balance out the United States' influence in Western Europe

Main Point 3: Truman's Doctrine and the Policy of Containment
-  $400 million dollars was given to Greece and Turkey to help them economically and militarily in order to keep out communism and keep the communist party contained, which angered Stalin even more and made the relationship between Stalin and Truman worse.
- The United State's sent money, equipment, and advice to countries that threatened to have a communist takeover
- The point of the Truman Doctrine was to keep the Soviet influence from spreading
- Stalin was not pleased because he believed that the United States had no business in Europe because they were not a country in or near Europe. Stalin also believed that he had the right to have influence in Europe because the Soviet Union had borders with countries in Europe

Main Point 4: Marshall Plan 
-  the intention was to give aid to European countries that needed it
- over four years 13 billion dollars of aid was given to 16 European countries
- The Marshall Plan gave the United States more alliances because of their help, and it also helped get rid of the communist parties in those countries

Main Point 5: NATO alliance
- The NATO alliance was the first alliance which the United States had joined during the time of peace
- There was 12 countries that pledged military alliance if one of the countries was attacked
- The reason for the formation of this alliance was because after the Berlin blockade they feared even more that the Soviet Union would get more aggressive
- The NATO alliance kept a standing military of more than 500,000 troops along with planes and other supplied.
- The Cold War and the NATO alliance made it so there was no hope of the United States to return to isolationism

D/I Berlin Blockade 
- Stalin was not pleased that the United States, Great Britain, and France combined their three zones of Germany to create Western Germany in order to help Germany in recovering
- The USSR's zone included Berlin so Stalin stopped all goods from coming into part of Berlin so that Berlin would be completely dependent of the USSR. He did this by cutting off all roads and highways
- The United States was not pleased with this and tried to use break through the blockade, which they did by the Berlin Airlift which flew in supplied to Berlin, Stalin thought of this as an act of war against the USSR

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